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The Shooting Show – Highland keeper hunts fallow in Essex
The Shooting Show -- Fallow deer cull and Burton Agnes pheasants
The Shooting Show – two fallow from a high seat PLUS when pigeon shooting goes wrong
The Shooting Show - Essex muntjac special
The Shooting Show -- Skye stags and the Browning B725
The Shooting Show -- Burton Agnes pheasant shoot and highland red stag stalking
The Shooting Show - Skye stags in the rut PLUS the Browning Ultra XT
The Shooting Show - Coastal rabbitting with Byron Pace
The Shooting Show – Highland grouse and duck PLUS testing Norma ammo in Namibia
Fallow Buck Stalking in the UK
The Shooting Show – goose shooting with the experts
The Shooting Show 100th show special -- Coburg wild boar and a big bag of pigeons